"To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art." La Rochefoucauld

Sunday, February 07, 2010

the preparation to cny 2010

First stop, I actually dye and colour my hair today..

It was a whopping 2 hrs long.. didn't know why.. maybe they were all busy.. but ya.. this guy who do for me, is quite experienced..

But then when the finished product come out, I dun really like.. a little too bright for my liking.. last year was perfect, but this year, my hair is very bright.. its quite " ah-beng-rish".. but since its done, I cannot do anything loh.. just have to accept.. so ya..

So there I am now.. when I take the CNY photos, you would see lah.. but then again, photos and real life would be different..

Looks like I have to wash more or sumthing.. sigh.. oh well..

A slight bad hair day,
<<< abriel >>>

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