"To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art." La Rochefoucauld

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Run till I can't anymore!

** Photo on left: My 9km run route!

Yes.. after weeks of no running (because in reservist), my training for StanChart Marathon 2009 is back in full swing again.. but this time, it was a 9km run, instead of the normal 6km..

I tell you.. I was at this 6km mark, and I was about to turn back, but decided to press on for another 3km (despite headache and fatigue starts to set in), since my aim is to finish 9km today, and I'm glad I did! =)

So I'm going to continue this for like a month, and when November comes, I'm going to run this same route, but 2 rounds instead.. and man.. that would end my training for my 21km route, though its only 18km.. but ya.. I tell you.. it's enough to kill!

Oh well.. I'm very tired le.. need to turn in for the nite..

<<< abriel >>>

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