"To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art." La Rochefoucauld

Friday, September 04, 2009

It's K Time!

** Photo on left: Believe it or not, this is the FIRST time I stepped into K-Box!

This was so last minute.. Met up with Yizhou and Kok Wei (which were my army friends, as well as holiday kakkis).. and they decided to go K-box and sing Karaoke!
At first, I was quite hesitant, but then, its just for fun, so I was game for it..

And yes.. I was a K-box first timer.. I usually go to Partyworld for KTV, but never K-Box.. but oh well.. to me, it is the same..
After all the taxes and all, each of us pay $36.. quite expensive if you ask me.. but it was about 4 hrs of singing non-stop.. haha..

But what I did enjoy was the company, because I did have a good laugh, and after such an long week at work (have been working late nites quite constant, becos I would need to finish - if possible - the paperwork for my projects on hand.. so ya.. and yes.. I'm super stressed up!), what a good way to end the week by laughing it off... haha..

Left quite early, or else really no bus le.. then came home and on aircon and sleep loh.. haha.. Super hot ok.. *grinz*

<<< abriel >>>

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