"To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art." La Rochefoucauld

Saturday, September 05, 2009


** Photo on right: I have been waiting for this Mac OS X Snow Leopard for a looonnngggg time!!

Alas! After weeks of waiting, finally I got my hands on the Mac OS X Snow Leopard.. Just finished installing it not too long ago, and frankly speaking, I don't see that much diff.. but the shutdown speed, and the wallpapers are superb!
Now, my Mac desktop wallpaper is a picture of the Snow Leopard! Awesome!! =D

I had asked my friend, Zijing, who works at EpiCentre ION Orchard, to help me reserve.. haha.. Not bad huh =)

So ya.. hope this would make me a little bit happier, because Wed (9/9) is the start of my reservist.. sianx..

Oh well.. I shall stop blogging and play with my Mac already!

I love the Snow Leopard,
<<< abriel >>>

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