"To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art." La Rochefoucauld

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

What more can I ask?

Well.. wat do you get when you put being stressed out, and feeling terribly exhausted and tired? *Go figure*

That's what I have been feeling these past weeks that I did not blog.. I just don't understand why some people can just talk, talk and talk, and worst still, expecting ppl to do just that, without even considering ppl's feelings or fatigue level!

Throw in some fickle-minded attitude, either shown when firm decisions are made or just when you thought you are done for the day, suddenly out of the blue, another decision pops out, and you are expected to carry out immediately, even though you had tons of more urgent paperwork to complete, and you have been told paperwork can wait, which actually, just a day later, ppl start hurrying you for your paperwork, and worst still, ask you to add stuff which is alien to you, or at least, you need time to digest before it is being carried out!

Worst still, blames you for something which was agreed earlier.. blaming my incompetancy, when in the first place, mentioned that help would be rendered!
Unreasonable or forgotten that some mention at some time, about help been rendered?

Been feeling very terrible till the point of being on the verge of sinking into depression!

A vague post for you? *go figure*
<<< abriel >>>

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