"To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art." La Rochefoucauld

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Japanese Buffet Affair!

The title text in the photo explains it all!

Ok.. I must admit.. I didn't jog this morning, becos I was simply too lazy, despite knowing the fact that I would be bingeing on Japanese buffet tonight!

Anyway, went to Kuishinbo for dinner with family and friends.. and man.. the food menu changed slightly, with its signature tune of "Tong-tong-tong-1-2-3, we are Kuishinbo" only ring 4 times out of our 3+hrs of bingeing!
Last time, with 3+hrs of bingeing, it could have easily rang 7-8 times already! But oh well..

Just as we was about to call it for a day, suddenly the signature tune came on again over the PA system, and I was like telling the ppl who were eating with me to go queue for stuff, becos confirm it would be a dessert!
And true enough, it was! And it was as above! Cool right? They were air-flown from Japan! =).. so ya..

Had a nice time of fellowship and great food! What more could I ask for my 2nd day of my loonngg weekend! Wheee... tomorrow don't need to work.. =P

<<< abriel >>>

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