"To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art." La Rochefoucauld

Monday, October 22, 2007

My new toy.... !

Well.. its not what you are thinking lahx.. haix.. disappointed in you all!

** Photo on right: My Logitech Webcam

Anyway, I've got a new toy on my computer, and tat is none other than a Logitech Webcam! Quite fun to play with.. I can do webcam messenging liaox! Woohoo!!

Was shopping at Vivocity, and I went to Challenger to get the webcam.. It was a good deal actually.. Original price where they sell this webcam to the public is $59.90, but I got it for only $39.90, because I'm a member in Challenger mahx!

Then I also got a 1GB thumbdrive for my office, becos I simply have too many diskettes to store my documents in office.. so ya.. Price sold to public is $29.90, but I got it only for $20.90, becos I'm a member.. so ya..

So I was happy lahx.. =).. Gadgets just make me happy!

I think that shld be all to update liaox.. nothing much lahx..

Gadget boy,
<<< abriel >>>

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