"To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art." La Rochefoucauld

Friday, June 29, 2007

JJ's new album!

Yes ppl.. its official! I got the LATEST JJ's album in my hands, entitled "Xi Jie"..

The song, "Sha Shou" is good lahx.. its like you listen and you want to listen and listen again.. Well.. if you get your hand on this album, you wld koe wat I mean..

Have seen the MTV for this song.. all I can say is that its one of the "darkest" MTV that JJ has stared in.. so ya.. its totally fits the title of the song.. so ya.. now you koe why I said its dark.. =)

Went straight after work to Toa Payoh's CD Rama to get it.. was absolutely worth it lahx.. dun regret, becos you koe why? I'm a fan of JJ.. =)

Other than that, I dun think I have anything else to comment.. hahax.. am very happy today! =)

JJ rox lahx!

Xi Jie Sha Shou,
<<< abriel >>>

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