"To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art." La Rochefoucauld

Monday, May 21, 2007

The call of duty..

Ok.. I have received a surprise SMS this evening, and its from MINDEF. It actually SMSed me to notify me of my reservist..

Frankly speaking, I was quite looking forward for reservist (I dun koe why.. call me siao or sumthing).. but after I accessed the webby and saw where was my first reservist venue, I almost died!
My first reservist venue is at Pasir Labar Camp for GPMG Course from 05/11/07-19/11/07. Totally sianx lahx! I HATED the GPMG when I was in my RP duty, and now I have to go thru a course abt this.. super sianx lahx..

Then I asked ard, and one of my former sgt and also my good friend in camp, Damien, actually said quite slack.. so I shall see how lahx.. I also dun koe how as well.. =(

A miracle happened online tonite at MSN! My former bunk mates (who is also the grp who went to KL together for our ORD trip), Kokwei, Boon Sen, Yizhou and Samuel, actually suddenly come online, and we all juz talk lohz.. Its so seldom that we all meet online.. hahax..

Then of course, I had my usual phone chat with my brother-in-camp, Sidney..
Hey bro.. it was nice to chat with ya.. It helps to chase away my stress for the day! =)

Ok lah.. I'm getting sleepy liaox!

GPMG gunner in training,
<<< abriel >>>

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