"To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art." La Rochefoucauld

Saturday, August 06, 2005


Well.. this morning went to camp by cab.. waited for one friend for 30 minutes, only to koe tat he came back to camp at 3am this morning.. and worst still.. he never told us.. he 'very good' loh.. arghh... all of us scolded him after we koe the reason why he did not inform us, despite me making 3 calls to him and he did not pick up!

then the sgt also a bit weird.. this morning suppose to bk in 9am.. but then 11am, then fall in for going for rehearsal.. made us wait for 2 hrs.. a bit stupid right?? i cld have sleep more at home..

anyway, went for lunch at cookhouse at 11am but then the person told us tat we cannot eat yet, becos the scanning machine is not on.. so anyway, the BOS (Base Orderly Sgt) was our staff sgt in our squadron.. so by the time he came and on the scanning machine, its abt 11.30pm.. so we ate and ate.. then the sgt was rushing us for time.. so its like i stuff everything in my mouth! almost died of stuffing!! ha..

Then there came the time where we reach the holding area.. and guess wat.. its me eating again!! this time, its Pizza Hut and its lunch! so practically, I ate 2 lunches (one at camp and one at the holding area)..

So after lunch and slacking, we went to Padang for our rehearsal.. did our rehearsal frm abt 2pm-4.30pm.. then after tat, its going home.. so by the time i reach camp, its abt 6+pm.. came home becos' my friend's dad gave me a lift to AMK MRT station, so then, I took bus home.. initially was take cab with him, but then his dad came, so might as well..

so reach home at abt 7+pm and then watch my taped programs.. then came online loh! =)

now psycho-ing my friend (Marcus lah! who u thinking?) to wear contacts! haha.. he also as vain as me.. =P

ok.. gtg liaoz.. time to be a psycho-ist!

born to psycho ppl,
<<< abriel >>>

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