"To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art." La Rochefoucauld

Monday, March 01, 2004


hi.. today is a day of being happy manz.. =)

Firstly, I have the results of my 2 term test papers (health & wellness, and the killer subject, Product Development & Marketing).. and I'm please to say that I've got an A for both papers.. Thanx be to God!!

The paper, health & wellness, I've got the 2nd highest among my cohart, which I had 47/50, and as a reward, I've got a $10 Coffee Bean voucher from my lecturer.. Thank God for tat !! =)

The killer paper, Product Development & Marketing, I did not score as well.. I've got 36.5/50 but i think my lecturer is considering to give me 2 more mks.. so shall see how.. but pray that I'll get the 2 mks.. =)

Thanx for praying ppl.. now, its only left my last paper, food processing, which I have not got it back.. so ya.. =).. but believe it will be good.. =)

And guess wat!! I've received 3 emails today, saying that they want to support me in my mission trip, which I have sent an email to each of them, and they have responded.. well.. yesterday i spoke to one member of the church about the supporting thing, but the person say no.. i was quite sad but this evening as I check my email, 2 persons actually send a mail to me and say "yes! they want to support me!!" Thank God!! Indeed, this is God's blessing and I'm looking forward for more emails saying YES!! in the next few days.. =).. Believe this is certainly God's blessing on this support raising thing..

Which reminds me of this verse, "Ask and it shall be given unto you, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be open unto you.".. which i find really apt.. =).. so be encouraged by this verse !! =)

one more thing that make me happy today is that I went for exercise in the evening, and i run 3 rounds non-stop, out of the 6 rounds.. but overall, timing still fail.. haiz.. but anyway, called the school and was really glad to hear from them that the NAPFA re-test is optional and there is no such thing as you muz pass NAPFA then can graduate.. so yupz.. that was a relief for me.. becos' i koe i will sure fail.. trust me! so dun want to spend so much time training.. i wld rather spend time on studies and all tat... so i'm quite mentally prepared to go in for the x-tra training before my BMT liaoz.. =).. ready, steady, bom pi pi..

k.. gtg and eat dinner liaoz.. which reminds me have, ready, steady, bom pi pi tonite on Channel U at 8pm.. nice variety show to watch.. =)

so till then,

Ciaoz n have a GREAT week ahead,
<<< aBRIeL >>>

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