"To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art." La Rochefoucauld

Thursday, March 11, 2004


well.. today as usual, went to school.. today no Food Processing lecture, becos' lecturer is sick.. so ya.. came home 1 hour earlier.. =)

anyway, speaking about home, I was quite surprised to see a portion of Paya Labar Road was flooded!! yes!! you heard me right!! FLOODED !!

Apparently caused by the heavy downpour earlier.. fortunately, I was in the bus.. or else, I dun koe wat to do.. so yupz.. btw, i took bus 22 so that's y I can see the flood.. the flood is apparently flooded till the knee level of most of the construction workers.. so you can imagine how high the water level rose too.. think its abuot 0.5m.. so yupz.. a few of the shophouses were flooded, until water actually went into their shophouse.. it was devastating to see plastic trash, etc flooding everywhere on the road.. so it was an eyeopener for me..

so yupz.. Friends who are overseas/ local friends who are in Singapore reading this right now, pls. dun think Singapore don't have floods.. the weather is changing manz.. hope s'pore have snow, then I can fufill my childhood dream od mine, a WHITE CHRISTMAS !! =)

k.. gtg and watch TV liaoz.. will be in later to check my email.. I'm online now, becos' I need to find out some info abt my PDM drink, which is giving me a terrible and splitting headache.. I have to RE-FORMULATE the drink (which means I did wrongly all the while and my lecturer who is in-charge of my lab session, did NOT tell me all this while!! Its only the head lecturer of this subject, actually told me this today, as my lecturer (who in-charge of my lab) is NOT in today.. haiz.. its a headache manz.. but thank God its on time.. =)

so yupz.. going out and watch TV.. ha..

Ciaoz n have a GREAT day ahead,
<<< aBRIeL >>>

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