"To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art." La Rochefoucauld

Sunday, February 22, 2004


well well.. u all seem interested in the topic of my blog today, aren't you?? anyway, will elaborate later..

so today as usual, went to church.. today's worship led by my jie..

jie, love the arrangement of singing "this is my desire".. i koe u have been inspired by ForeRunners and guess wat!! The intro is still ringing in my head as I'm writing this blog.. ha.. =).. Good Job!
jie, one more thing to commend!! like the song of "you are the one tat I love".. btw, it sounds like one of those Grease movie songs.. dun u feel hv tat kind of mood??

after service, went to Broadway Coffee Shop (in Potong Pasir) for lunch.. as usual, i ate the lemon chicken rice.. not bad!! =).. one of my church mate recommend me the tofu which is deep-fried and gravied generously with Thailand sweet & sour sauce.. very nice!! =)..
does this make ur mouth drool?? hahaz..

the reason y we went there for lunch is becos' going for committee meeting at Potong Pasir.. so yupz..

anyway, the funniest thing tat happen to me is tat wendy called me from Shanghai and I rejected it!! Sorry wendy!! Thought it was those calls which call to inform me tat i won sumthing like tat.. thought its some of the nuisance call lahz..
anyway, its connected by a operator in Shanghai so yupz.. Really sorry wendy!! didn't mean to reject ur call..

then in the end, wendy called huimin and she picked up the call lohz.. so yupz.. i was there, so its like huimin discussing some issues with wendy.. so yupz..

btw, WENDY & CARLISE, we miss you at HCC!! today's service so quiet.. no kakki to tell me lame jokes during sermons (prob except huimin).. hahaz.. but glad they come back this wk.. so yupz..

then anyway, the most interesting part came.. the tremours...

we were getting ready for our mtg (ie, wait for other ppl lahz..).. then at about 2+pm, we start to feel tat there were tremours.. before the tremour started, we were talking about earthquakes and all.. and eating chocolates at the same time..

so at about 2+pm, my dad ask whether we feel tremours.. at tat time, everyone was like quiet immediately, and stop to try to see whether there are tremours!! a minute later, i felt it.. i was sitting on a couch and i felt tat someone is like moving the couch up and dfown lohz.. its like sitting on a 4-leg chair, but all 4-legs of the chair are like loosen from the joint.. so its like when u move to the right, you wld get the feeling tat your chair is going to fall any minute.. u getcha wat I mean?? I thought i was giddy or sumthing but apparently no lohz!

then i begin to look the glass doors.. can see its vibrating lohz.. so yupz.. tat is actually the FIRST time i felt tremours in my 19yrs on Earth... later in the afternoon, they actually confirm tat there was a tremour trembling over Singapore.. scary huh.. *eeks*

then after mtg, came home and bathe.. ate dinner and then do this blog update.. so yupz..

k.. gtg.. again, have to finish up wat I have not finished yesterday nite (ie, do my worship ministry retreat things..)

So till then,

Ciaoz n have a GREAT week ahead,
<<< aBrIeL >>>

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