"To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art." La Rochefoucauld

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Application successful!

Yup.. as the pic says it all, my application for the programme in Bachelor of Communications is successful!

Really want to thank the LORD for it.. because it has always been a dream come through to study such stuff, because my ultimate dream job would be in the service/Public Relations industry... so yupz.. I'm one step nearer to that goal!

Studying of course doesn't come cheap but thank God for the 40% government subsidy.. and also of course, another is the time factor.. My boss has known that my application is successful, and she has given her consent that she will be understanding, provided I finish everything on time and with quality as well.. so yupz..

Am so glad that its all going well.. next step, doing up the tremendous tough job of choosing modules and all.. tt is the thing that I dislike.. but oh well..

I'm happy!,
<<< abriel >>>

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