"To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art." La Rochefoucauld

Monday, August 22, 2005

A short post..

Well.. a short post before I leave hse and go back to camp.. dun think I will bk out a lot of times this wk, becos' I will be required to reach camp like before 10.30pm almost everyday.. so no point bking out.. waste money only.. but I will miss my bed.. haiz.. =(

oh.. so ya.. currently very 'high' becos' I download a lot of Junyang's videos and stuff.. haha.. me is 'chasing idol' fever.. haha..

ok.. here is a true story (but very funny) to share with you all before I go (heard this on the radio this morning on Class 95FM, during Venetta Lopez shift:

Police research to block out rioters in a certain country:

- A goo gun:
ruled out becos' the goo is too sticky and it is a health risk becos' it may suffocate the victims.

- A gun which shoots tennis balls:
ruled out too becos' it is highly inaccurate

- A gun which shoots out water which is stored in a form of a backpack:
ruled out becos' the recoil for both the police officer and the victim is too great, which means tat it not only make the victim lose his/her balance but also the police officer which uses the gun.

- Venetta then suggest, if this happens in Singapore, why dun the police use a gun which shoots out durian husks or you can simply throw the durian husks instead of shooting them with the gun?

hahaz.. funny rite..

oopss.. times up.. I've got to go.. think will catch u all on Sun or sumthing on cyberspace where u will c my blog updates.. so in the meantime, if you need to contact or chat with me, feel free to SMS me ya.. call also can becos' I free incoming.. haha.. ok.. got to run..

Back to camp,
<<< abriel >>>

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