"To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art." La Rochefoucauld

Thursday, June 01, 2006

I must survive!

Well! Its really a miracle to be alive lah! After 2 consecutive parades on 2 consecutive days were juz proving a little too taxing on my mental strength actually.. Today at NDP rehearsal @ Nee Soon, I felt the mental stress of my mind is like coming up to 40%-50%..

Yesterday's SAF Parade rehearsal I feel was not as taxing as last year, becos this year is like cut short a lot of things and instead of 1.5 hrs which we did last yr, this yr's parade is only abt an hour long (so if you are smart enuf to count, you wld have realised tat its abt 30 minutes cut of the parade, and I tell you.. this is considered very long liaox! 1 minute makes all the difference and not to mention 30 minutes! ha..)

The Parade was quite standard lah, becos the arm and foot drills are 98% similar to the NDP ones, so since we have done it like for abt a mth or 2, it shld not be a lot of problem! Occasionally, I get moved to the front due to sometimes the person in front of me fall out, and when this is so, I suddenly get nervous and sometimes unable to concentrate, becos of the tremendous amount of stress!.. Y izzit stressful you may ask? This is becos all the 4 RSM's and not to mention tat other contingents RSMs, the Parade RSM himself as well as the SAF RSM is also watching the contingentd performing their drills.. though its not very prominent, but by being in the front row means nothing but your drills muz be very 'zai' (which simply means perfect!).. so ya.. so you all koe me lah.. a little bit of things such as this puts me in a very stressful situation and the way to get out of it is to concentrate more than 100% and do all drills perfect! No shortcuts allowed!

Initially, I was also instructed by 1WO Seah of Changi Air Base (CAB) FDS RSM to take the place of the right contingent marker (juz behind a 3SG) becos the person who is doing so is a reserve frm CAB FDS and he is taking over a person who is unwell.. but 1WO Seah kept coming to my side and like say him tat he got the height so perhaps he shld stay instead!
Then I replied to 1WO Seah, "Yes Sir.. he very zai.. he shld stay!"
1WO Seah answered, "you see.. die lah! other base ppl also like you.. *grinz*"

So we shall see whether tml he wld be here.. if he is not here, then I have to be the right marker, and if this is so, then I even more stress! Haix.. let's juz see how it goes lah huh.. =)

Yesterday's SAF drill ended at abt 3pm which was quite unexpected, becos we were expecting like 5+pm juz like last yr, but I guess they didnt want to tax us so much becos today got NDP rehearsal..

Anyway, when we came back frm SAF Day Rehearsal, I was totally shacked lah and slept in the bus.. then when came back to bunk, bathe and then went out with my bunk ppl to Northpoint and eat KFC for dinner.. Man.. wasnt I hungry! But after eating, I felt full liaox..

Came back to bunk and watch Singapore Idol lah! Missed out on the first 2 performance which was Terence's performance.. but nvm.. I recorded lah!.. so ya..

Slept like at abt 10.30pm after watching Incredible Tales 2.. My whole bunk also not sure wat time we muz fall in this morning to draw our rifles for our NDP rehearsal this morning, so we decided to wake up like at 6.45am, which actually ah, we are supposed to draw arms at 6.45am.. so ya.. was slightly late lah! haix.. in the end, didnt have breakfast but thank God for good friends like boon sen & samuel, who went to the canteen and bought for me 2 curry puffs for my breakfast.. I was so surprised tat they bought for me lah! Thanx ppl =).. you're the best! =)

Went to Nee Soon Camp and drank a pkt of soya milk.. best! then had rehearsals again.. but again, it had an unexpected finishing time.. by 10.45am, we are done with the rehearsals and we are to go back to our camps..

Then after which, we were back at camp and then we were instructed to clean our rifles and believe it or not.. I took 1.5 hrs to clean the rifle WITHOUT bathing and lunch.. for a mere gas regulator, I take 30-45 mins to clean it.. super xiong lah!

Then its waiting, waiting and more waiting for my OC to speak to us, but instead, its a wasted wait.. my officer talk to us instead..

Went to send our rifles after tat, and then I bathe and then originally there was supposed to be a bunk inspection (and its so last min lah.. all thanx to my officer).. then after which, they told us my OC want to meet us to talk.. we have no choice loh.. so ya.. to cut the long story short, my RSM talk also.. so originally, my OC gave us permission to bk out at 4pm, but by then after all the ppl talk, it become 4.30pm liaox! haix.. so not much of a difference loh!

Then came back home by bus and watched a bit of the taped Singapore Idol show last nite.. then its back to the computer to blog abt this blogpost! Going to watch the results show later, and see whether terence can get in loh! I hope =).. After which, its back to bunk again to bk in for tml's SAF Day Rehearsal..

Oh man.. I've got another 2 more parades this week.. SAF Rehearsal tml and NDP Rehearsal the day after (ie, Saturday) @ National Stadium.. gosh! haix.. tiring sia!

Then not to mention tat I will have my Sunday break and then its mount, dismount, rehearsal for the whole of nxt week..

Oh man! How am I gonna survive like tat? haix.. =(.. Just need to depend on God's strength I suppose =)

ok lah.. gtg and do other stuff liaox b4 I going to bk in later.. sianx..
Hope I dun suffer frm a mental breakdown, becos not only I'm starting to feel mentally exhausted, I'm also starting to feel physically exhausted too! =(

** I'm still counting down the days LEFT to serve.. its 139 DAYS to ORD!!

Too shack cannot think well,
<<< abriel >>>

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